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What do we do?

We are a facility that offers proper counselling and treatment to the people infected by HIV. We offer optimum diagnostic and treatment facilities to the people who are exposed to this deadly virus.


We provide diagnostic facilities for HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases and infections. We have a team of expert pathologists, well-versed in their work.

List of HIV/STD-STI Tests:

  • Blood Test: Blood test is the most common test that helps in the diagnosis of HIV. The tests find out the antibodies that a body creates against the virus in order to fight it. As in the case of HIV, it takes six weeks to a year to the body to develop antibodies to the HIV, follow-up tests are also required.
  • ELISA Test: ELISA or Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay is a potent test to diagnose HIV infection. In cases where this test is positive, another test namely, Western Blot Test is carried out to confirm the primary diagnosis. If ELISA is negative and the person feels that he is infected, the test is carried out again in 1 to 3 months.
  • The Western Blot Test: This sensitive blood test is done to confirm the presence of infection if the ELISA test is positive.
  • Saliva Test: Saliva is taken from the cheek using a cotton pad and is placed in a vial. We test these samples at our facility. Results are provided in three days. A positive result is confirmed via a blood test.
  • Viral Load Test: Via this test, the amount of Human Immunodeficiency Virus is measured in the blood of the infected person. This test helps to detect HIV infection in its early stages and also monitors the progress of the treatment.

HIV Counselling

We use innovative, practical, and ethical approach to counsel the people infected with HIV. We tell people about their HIV status and educate them about the infection, its consequences and the treatment that they can avail to lead a healthy life. We provide them with the knowledge pertaining to HIV, tuberculosis, STDs and provide medical care.

We tend to the infected person with care and sensibilities. We try to inculcate a positive attitude in them regarding their health and lifestyle.

HIV Treatment

We prescribe an effective treatment for HIV, immediately after the diagnosis of infection.

ART Treatment

ART treatment or antiretroviral therapy involves the use of potent HIV medications to treat the infection. People under ART treatment are prescribed a combination of HIV medicines that are to be taken regularly.

ART treatment is not a cure for HIV but it helps the infected person to live a longer and healthier life. It also brings down the risk of transmission of the infection.

After the diagnosis of infection, we begin ART therapy without any delay.

TB Testing

Co-existence of HIV and TB is a common finding, especially in India where TB is prevalent. If both the infections co-exist, they pace up the progress of one another. HIV infection can cause progression of latent TB into active stage and TB bacteria can speed up the progress of HIV.

This makes TB testing important.


Preventive HIV vaccination is given to people who are not infected with HIV. This vaccination prevents HIV infection.